Marketing in the digital age is dynamic and constantly changing. As a marketing professional, you should always be up to date with whatever is going on and with the latest trends and tactics to stay ahead.
Here are 4 recommended books that you should absolutely add to your books list! Some of them are new with up to date tactics and studies, and others are older with timeless advice:
1- Contagious: Why Things Catch On – by Jonah Berger, 2013
This book talks about the science behind word-of-mouth and how things can go viral. Six basic principles covering the main tips to become popular. Whether you’re selling consumer products, offering B2B services, or spreading ideas and initiatives, this book will definitely guide you through.
2- This Is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See – by Seth Godin, 2018
This book talks about the importance of focusing on the needs, desires, and values of our target audience, rather than focusing on reaching as many people as possible with our messages.
3- Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen – by Donald A. Miller, 2017
This book advises every marketer to make their customers the heroes of the story, not their own brand. It is a great guide to align your branding with your hero’s journey.
4- Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die – by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, 2007
This book studies advertising campaigns and finds the reasons behind having some ideas stuck in our brains. This book will help you learn why you remember some things better than others, in addition to spreading your own ideas more easily and delivering them to the right people.