Color has a great impact on the mind of the consumer, it can play a vital role in affecting their emotions and feelings towards your brand. Color can help you deliver the message that you want the audience to receive, and make them do what you actually want them to do.
Here are the basic colors used by brands and their meanings:
- Green: Peaceful, Growth, Health
Green is instructional, adventurous, ecological, and calming. It is associated with wealth and it is the easiest color for the eye to process. It is used to relax in stores, good for science, government & HR.
- Blue: Trust, Strength, Dependable
Blue is clean, calming, focused, and professional. Blue creates a sensation of trust and security. It is often seen in banks, legal, and corporate businesses.
- Purple: Wise, Creative, Imaginative
Purple is used to calm and soothe, it is usually used in beauty and anti-aging products.
- Black: Credible, Powerful, Professional
Black is powerful and sleek. It is usually used in marketing luxury products and brands. Black is definite, precise, strong, and direct.
- Red: Bold, Youthful, Excitement
Red gives energy, Increases the heart rate, and creates urgency. Red is often seen in clearance sales.
- Orange: Confidence, Cheerful, Friendly
Orange creates a call to action; subscribe, buy or sell. Sometimes it can be seen as aggressive, so be careful where to use it.
- Yellow: Optimism, Clarity, Warmth
Yellow is often used to grab attention of window shoppers.
- Grey: Balance, Neutral, Calm
Grey is seen as practical, timeless and solid. It is seen as conservative, and gives the feeling of security & reliability.
Before choosing your colors, consider your audience and what they like, but most importantly consider your goals, what message you want to deliver through your color, and what action you want the audience to take.